Submitted to by Mike Murray
The Orpheum, Boston, MA
- This was a thread from Guster's Forums that I wrote and just copy/pasted -
Oh man.. what a show.
I was disapointed with Josh Rouse, I liked a lot of the stuff that I had downloaded, but I honestly didn't really care for his performance, which is akward considering that I usually love all of Guster's opening acts (From Jump Little Children to the Pushstars)
If anybody heard "Worcester Loves Guster!", (sometime after one of the newer songs) yeah that was me. I was really happy to hear a lot of the new songs being played (Tentative title 'New Song #2' when I DLed it a while ago), The Massachusetts Song, Ramona, and anything else. Also, when I DLed the Massachusetts song from, Ryan talked about the song probably not making the new album and how they don't play it enough... But I'm hoping it'll make it. I mean, you have tons of songs about California, Cleveland, Florida, Texas (Seeking Homer!), but there's so few about good old Massachusetts.
This concert ranked up as probably my favorite. Maybe it's because I've been a Guster fan for about 6 years and it's one of the ones that I can really enjoy (Although, the concert in Harbor Lights/Dingy Show was good).
now, just an opinion of mine... Although it's neat to hear people singing along, I don't like it that much. I had some pretty obnoxious girls behind me singing along to the songs really loud and really off, and because I was on the balcony, it made it a bit harder... I sort of wish sometimes that for songs like Two Points and I Spy, people wouldn't sing as much... Because I like to hear Ryans voice (Not to mention, the girl(s) were really annoying). But that's not very important. People love Guster, so they can't stop singing along, it's understandable. :)
But anyway, I yelled my fair share of comments ("I'm not gay, but I'd have sex with you, Brian"; "Give Brian his own show"; "I love you Brian"; And I also yelled out to Pasty/Michael Corchrin about 15 times when the sets were being put together, and outside when he was going into the venue) out during the show, and went to dance in the isle during All the Way Up to Heaven, until one of the security guys patted me on the back and told me to go back to my seat...
Anyway, awesome concert, one of my favorites probably... This was my Christmas present from my sisters so it was certainly an excellent show.
Notes: There were camera guys all over the place catching shots so I'm sure this concert will appear on the DVD
- Parachute was NOT played, but Window was... and the girl that played the Violin or Viola did a bang up job. Very well done; She seemed a little nervous, and rightfully so, that would be the greatest moment of my life... But she did it very well.
- Everybody was dancing up on the Balcony, I thought the thing would fall down
- Last song: All the Way Up to Heaven
- Guster played from about 8:35 to 10:45, one encor, featuring Ramona, and the song that I can't remember right now with Josh Rouse... somebody will fill me in.
- While I don't typically like Fa Fa all that much, this was the best rendition I've ever heard... and Brian killed me at the end of it with his Bongo solo of sorts. Seriously... Me, time of death, 10:28 PM.
- The guys screwed up once or twice, I think the lyrics of I Spy were reversed, and I think... Mona Lisa missed a verse or something, but I was too busy weeping like a little school girl to pick it up.
- The bathrooms had 9 stalls and ... one decrepit sink. WTF? A top notch band like Guster plays and they only have one sink...
- The Orpheum features a really neat Cathedral like ceiling on it, with a artsy little piece of work at the top... In the middle, is a lightbulb hanging from a wire. The lightbulb was not on... And I feel remorse for the man who has to change it.
- I went and saw John Mayer at URI two weeks ago (Blah, John Mayer... I hate him, he broke my heart)... I thought it was a good show, until tonight. Guster embarrassed John Mayer in comparison.
- The light work was AMAZING. Major props to Pasty for puting that one together... The excellent job evoked wonderful feelings. Bravo! (See, there's a reason that I'd yell "Pasty, I love you!" when you walk across stage, thankyou for blowing the kiss back).
- For those wondering, Guster got introduced with a Price'is'Right flare. They called the trio to the stage like the Price is Right. It was one of the many times I wished I had been on the floor to slap their hands as they ran by.
- Brian's tag said Ryan on it... They're nuts!
- I didn't hear to many "Dirty oh so Dirty"s or Clapping at the pinacle of Up to Heaven, although the girl five rows down from me was doing so... Needless to say, I was pleased.
Anyway, I realize this is a pretty long thread, just wanted to give a decent sized report on this excellent Orpheum show.
And, for the record, Worcester DOES love Guster... Or Gorcester Loves Wuster... However you look at it.