Submitted to by Travis
Eagles Ballroom, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sorry, last review wasn't finished and I think that I hit something. Okay, Come Downstairs and Say Hello was really cool. They had an awesome jam at the end. The next song was Demons, which I didn't expect to hear before the encore. The electric guitar/drum solo was better than the first time. At the end of the song they went right into Center of Attention without stopping. Center of Attention was a lot different than it was on the album with the Demons guitar, which is very unique. At Valpo they played that song and it sounded too much like the album version. The next song was Manifest Destiny. That song was cool. The next song was One Man Wrecking Machine. I didn't expect to see them play it right after Manifest Destiny because they are two of Ganging Up On the Sun's biggest songs. Then they played Amsterdam. The last song of the main part was Fa Fa. I don't know what Ryan was doing, but he kept playing the first two notes of Fa Fa on the guitar over and over again. I don't know if it didn't sound right or what, but the crowd got impatient and just started singing. We got to sing the first verse of Fa Fa by ourselves. They came back out to play the encore and played Lightning Rod first. Completely didn't see that one coming. Then they played The New Underground. Then they played I Spy. Joe was back by the keyboard the whole song so I expected for the jam at the end that he would play the keyboard. He started playing it then stopped and whipped a slide guitar out of thin air. That was awesome. Then Brian came out from behind the bongos and they played Total Eclipse of the Heart with Brian on vocals. Then they said good night, thanks for coming, the usual stuff. The show was over but the crowd wasn't ready to be done. So they came back out and played Keep it Together. Was a great show. I want them to play at Summerfest next year so I can see them in Milwaukee again. Go see Guster when they come within five hours drive of where you live.
Submitted to by Travis
Eagles Ballroom, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This was a GREAT show. Guster played everything I wanted them to except for "Parachute" or "Window", and "Dear Valentine". Here is the set list to help you understand why this show was so much better than the last one I went to in Valpo.
Barrel of a Gun (intro)
Happier (intro)
Airport Song (THE BEST SONG OF THE SHOW, was the bass/jam version)
Ruby Falls (Adam on trumpet)
Cmon (intro, Joe jam on cowbell)
Either Way
Come Downstairs and Say Hello
Center of Attention
Manifest Destiny
One Man Wrecking Machine
Fa Fa
Lightning Rod
The New Underground
I Spy (outro, Joe on slide guitar)
Total Eclipse of the Heart (Brian vocals)
Keep it Together (not on origional set)
Okay, "Barrel" was really cool. THey came out and Joe had a banjo, so I bet half of the people there thought they were going to play "Captain". Then Joe got an electric guitar and they played "Captain". When they played "Diane", you could definitely tell that Brian was jamming. Guster played "Satellite" with the keyboard. THey used the same intro to "Happier" as the did on GUSTER ON ICE, so everyone knew it was "Happier" when they started playing.
"Airport Song". WOW. Adam played a bass guitar, and it was very cool. Guster probably messed with the microphone for the second time the chorus came around, because it got really slow and Ryan's voice was jacked up. On "Ruby Falls", you could swear that Adam was teasing us. At the end he would just stare at us and smile. After about a minute of that he finally got the trumpet. It was worth the wait. The "Cmon" intro was Ryan saying something about Joe being jealous of Adam's trumpet playing skills and was going to do a jam on the cowbell for us. Befor the next song Ryan hinted that they hardly ever play this song anymore. He also mentioned that it was on Lost and Gone Forever. At this point I thought it was "Either Way" or "Two Points For Honesty". Both songs they could play with a violin. I was getting excited about them playing "Window" after that. It was a great show. GO SEE GUSTER A.S.A.P. BYE NOW!!!!!!!