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Reviews From 09-28-2001
Submitted to by Dominic Commella

Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA

The time had come. Lancaster was ready for the entertaining trio of future acoustic legends, Guster. The show took place @ F&M around 8:00, however much to the chagrin of the crowd, the set ended around 10:30. They began in opening with "Airport Song", I mean, what else? Ryan was sure to include some "storytellers" like conversation inbetween songs, discussing the drinking habits of local F&M students. I admire the band on account that the crowed wouldn't stop chanting "Rocketship"... and did they play it?... No. I appreciate artists who can be bold like this. The band began to warm up with such songs as "So Long", "Happy Frappy", and "Happier". They hit the peak of the show when they busted out a seven minute version of "FaFa" with a guest violinist. This was awesome, and got the crowd's mind well off of "Rocketship"... The short, slap-stick, but seriously appreciated show was a big hit for Franklin and Marshall College, come back anytime fella's.