Submitted to by Ken
University of Richmond, Virginia
I was actually one of the twins invited onstage. I have seen Guster perform countless times, including a show almost 2 years ago now at Browns Island in downtown Richmond. I also saw them in Boston for the big show this summer and then Providence, but NOTHING will compare to UR. The music, the sound, the vocals, everything was superb. I know it sounds cliche, but their live show sounded just, dead on. They were phenomenal.
The greatest was for me and my twin and me to be invited onstage, where we did a little balancing act and then were told by Guster to stick around onstage. They busted into Amsterdam, told us to pick up singing with them, and then they just stepped out for us to take over while they played backup. It was great to be given the opportunity to sing one of their songs, it being theirs and all.
Guster was just so receptive to the audience, and we all had fun during and after the show. SO great.
Submitted to by Steven
University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia
What a show... it was unbelievable... after attending my first Guster concert 4 years ago, this was the first time that I know of that they came back through Richmond.. and it was better than i remembered.. Guster brought their best, even inviting a few guests on the stage to perform amsterdam with them and a violinist from the university for a few songs... I was shocked to see that I was one of a very few people who actually knew the words to all the songs, it left me a little disappointed, but Guster again brought their best, proving once again that they still are excellent musicians, song-writers, and more important, fantastic with live shows.